Frugal Fridays: Homemade Toothpaste
My most recent experiment with natural, homemade things, has been to make my own toothpaste. I read a bit about different ingredients, and then decided to just experiment on my own. The result has been fabulous! I now prefer "my" toothpaste to regular, storebought stuff. I just mixed plain baking soda, (which cleans and whitens the teeth) with enough water to make a paste, and added several drops of peppermint oil for taste, as baking soda alone isn't so palatable. Peppermint oil has antiseptic properties as well, which aids in cleaning your mouth. You can also use clove or cinnamon oil if you prefer. I might add, that if you want an extra whitening agent, you can use hydrogen peroxide as part of your liquid. I just store mine in a tiny rubbermaid container and wet my toothbrush before using.
I know that essential oils seem to be a bit expensive, but in reality, the little 1 oz. bottle I have that I paid $5 for, will last me a long while, seeing as you only use a few drops per time. It's taken me over a year to use up a bottle.
I made my own toothpaste because it was fun and I wanted to try something different, but it's proved to be a great cost-saver too! Try it out, and let me know what you think!
I tried this once but without the essential oil. I may try it again this way and see how it works. Thanks for the tip.
I've tried it too, without the oil--and you're right about it not being very palatable! The oil could do the trick, tho'. Nice tip.
Oh.. I just got some peppermint oil for mints. I was wondering what I was going to use that stuff for next. Now I know. THANKS!! ;)
I followed your link here from beautiful womanhood. Thank you for sharing.
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